GE Salmon: 5 Questions & Answers about “FrankenFish”

By FALPC Intern, Kristina Kalolo 1. What is AquaAdvantage Salmon? AquaAdvantage Salmon is the first genetically engineered (GE) animal being considered for human consumption by the FDA. The company behind this, AquaBounty Technologies, is headquartered pretty close by- Waltham, MA.  What AquaBounty does is take the growth gene from a Chinook Salmon and the antifreeze gene from […]

Factory Farms, Local Meat, and Being Vegetarian in Worcester

One conversation that seems to make people instantly uncomfortable and evasive is talking about the meat we eat and where it came from. It is understandable considering the immense factory farming, or Concentrated Animal Feeding Operations (CAFOs), that dominate U.S. food production. Started as a way to produce “cheap meat”, now 99% of the meat […]

Majora Carter Kicks Off Permaculture Conference

June 23-26th marked UMASS Amherst’s international conference, Permaculture Your Campus 2013, an event that examined “why and how permaculture design is being used as the guiding framework for some of the most cutting-edge sustainability programs around the world.” The conference kicked off with a keynote presentation by the charismatic and controversial, Majora Carter, an urban revitalization […]