Who We Are

Engaging diverse partners to foster a healthy and just food system for all.


Our Purpose

The Worcester Food Policy Council brings together the many actors and players who wish to affect the food system.

This includes organizations, institutions, businesses, residents, and more. The Council meetings are a place for issues to be raised and solutions created.

In 2022, under the guidance of Worcester County Food Bank, we joined with sister advocacy organizations, the City Task Force on Food Security and the Central Mass SNAP Coalition, under one umbrella - the Center on Food Equity. Each of the three cohorts focuses their efforts on eliminating hunger and increasing access to healthy, nutritious, and culturally appropriate food using different strategies and approaches. This new umbrella allows us to coordinate and collaborate more effectively on our shared goals.

Individually and collectively we:


“Food is our focus, policy is our tool, but we are nothing if not a gathering of the community first”. – Oakland Food Policy Council

Since our beginnings in 2006, we have worked with and supported many different groups, organizations, and initiatives.
We strive to be a Council, by and for the community.