GE Salmon: 5 Questions & Answers about “FrankenFish”

By FALPC Intern, Kristina Kalolo 1. What is AquaAdvantage Salmon? AquaAdvantage Salmon is the first genetically engineered (GE) animal being considered for human consumption by the FDA. The company behind this, AquaBounty Technologies, is headquartered pretty close by- Waltham, MA.  What AquaBounty does is take the growth gene from a Chinook Salmon and the antifreeze gene from […]

Are You Defending Your “Right to Know”?

By Kristina Kalolo, FALPC Intern Two Massachusetts legislative committees are considering five bills that would require the labeling of GMOs (genetically modified organisms). Essentially, these bills would require the words “genetically engineered” to be present on the front of packaging and that processed foods would say “partially produced with genetic engineering” (approximately 75 percent of […]