Great News to Share!
We were informed today by the city that the Urban Agriculture Ordinance will be submitted to the City Council at the February 28 City Council meeting. Based on that, and on other items that are on tonight’s City Council agenda, we’re going to confine our public remarks to one speaker in support of the ordinance.
Show Up Tonight!
That doesn’t mean that we’ve won, though. We’re still asking folks to show up at City Hall with your signs in support of commercial urban agriculture so that the councilors can see just how much support there is for these zoning changes here in the Woo. They benefit the city’s health, environment, economy and food safety and security in so many ways.
Stay Informed on the Urban Agriculture Ordinance!
We’re here to share information, data and news on the growth of urban agriculture and how urban farming impacts communities. Connect with us to learn more and be informed of important advocacy updates. Follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, or subscribe to our RSS feed.
Pingback: Urban Farming - 10 Things You Probably Didn't Know - Worcester Food Policy Council
[…] Urban farming is a hot topic in a wide range of discussions, from reducing greenhouse emissions to community revitalization. While urban agriculture may seem like a relatively new topic for Worcester, the idea of growing food in cities has a long history – and a good deal of research behind it. Check out these 10 fast facts about urban farming that you probably didn’t know before. […]